Fostering a quality mind-set with the objective of developing, manufacturing and providing products and services with zero defects that are trusted and preferred by individuals and families and deliver on our promise to enable healthier and happier lives.
Complying with relevant laws and regulations as well as internal requirements
Continuously challenging ourselves to improve the quality management system to guarantee product safety, prevent quality incidents and eliminate defects through the review of quality objectives and results
To sustainably create value and to effectively and efficiently build trust, Cake Time:
1. Guarantee’s product safety and full compliance by respecting our policies, principles and standards.
2. Ensures and enhances preference and consistency to delight individuals and families by valuing what they value and by offering products and services that always meet or exceed their expectations.
3. Strives for zero defects and no waste by constantly looking for opportunities to apply our continuous improvement approach to deliver competitive advantage. 4. Engages everybody’s commitment across our complete value chain and at all levels of our organization to build the Nestlé Quality mind-set.